2011年10月4日 星期二

江蕙(Chiang Hui)

English Name: Judy
Weight: 47 kg
Constellation: Virgo
Blood type: B
Favorite book: The plight sisters
Favorite male singer: Fei Yu-ching
Favorite female singer: Hibari Misora
Favorite actor: Robert De Niro
Favorite movie: Hope Tour
Favorite music type: Lyric music
Favorite collection: perfume.
Favorite color: Black
Favorite animal: dogs and cats.
Favorite sports: swim and tennis
Favorite place: Home
Favorite type as a boyfriend: mature, humor and benevolent person
The one who influence me a lot : My mom
Memorable person: yi shiung Huang
Hope: earn much money

She is called “second elder sister” in the entertainment. You can understand her status in entertainment circle just only hearing her nickname. Frankly speaking, she grew up in a poor family and she is the first child. Due to that, her child dream is to earn much money. Today she actually earns so much money. She just joined the new company with signing gold of 1.2 billion dollars. Compared to her childhood, when she can only get 10 dollars wages while working all day. It's totally different. My mom said “there are so many penniless people in this world”, we should do things perfect and can’t have any regrets.

