2012年1月10日 星期二


Future Tense 最基本的一環,它只交待一個未來的動作,其特性如下:

1. 講述未來的動作或情況。
E.g.I Think it will be fine tomorrow.
E.g.I shall not go to school.
E.g.We shall discuss it later.
Note 咱們可以在任何情況下用 will 亦可以用 shall,不過 shall 只局限於 I We 之後,其縮寫為 Shan't

2. 當講述未來之餘
而這未來的動作或情況是非常接近現在; 或現在的情況已經未來結果的一部分; 或者現在有証據 (visual evidence) 顯示未來結果發生的可能。
咱們會用 be going to 來代替 will
E.g.Look at the black clouds in the sky, it's going to rain.
因為看見到黑雲(visual evidence),所以就可以斷言很快就會下雨。

E.g.Now is a rainy season, I think it will rain soon.

E.g.Tell her not to eat too much, she is going to put on weight.

E.g.She won't eat meat, she's afraid she will put on weight.

3. 當講述一個已經計劃了的未來動作 (scheduled action),咱們會用 Present  Continuous Tense

Sheringham: I haven't told Ann about the picnic.
Cole: I'll tell her. I'm going to call her tonight anyway.
Sheringham: Let's go to the cinema this evening.
Cole: I can't. I'm having dinner with Ruth.

4. 當講述確定了的時間表時 (fixed timetable or fixed programme),我們可以用 Simple Present Tense(這個特性較少人會注意到)
Sheringham: There is/will be a live football match on television this evening.
Cole: When will/does the program start?
這個 Tense 是用來表達一些在將來會進行中的動作。
E.g.Don't phone me this afternoon. I will be playing football.
E.g.You can come to my home next night. I will be doing homework.

1. 就如 Present Continuous Tense 一樣,可以用 Future Continuous Tense 來交待一些已經計劃了的動作(scheduled action)。
E.g.I'll be doing some shopping this afternoon. Can I get you anything?
Note:同時間咱們亦可以以 Present Continuous Tense 來交待相同的情況
E.g.I'm doing some shopping this afternoon. Can I get you anything?

不過當然 Future Continuous Tense 亦會有其獨特的特性,而這特性都算是甚為重要:
2. 當我們有求於人,或有所提問時,都會用 Will you be doing something? 的方式,情況如下。
Victoria: Will you be using the computer this afternoon?
Beckham: No, you can use it.
當咱們表達在未來的一段特定的時間內將會完成的事時,就會用上 Future Perfect Tense
E.g.You can borrow the book next Monday. I'll have finished it by then.
E.g.You can come to my office tomorrow. I'll have been back to Hong Kong tonight.
E.g.Don't worry, I'll have finished the homework by the end of tonight.
E.g.The dinner will have been ready by the time you return home tonight.
每一句都會有一個 by 字,這個 by 是用來界定一個特定的時間。不過除了用 by 之外,當然還可以以其他字來界定時間。

Future Perfect Continuous Tense 表示一個動作比 Simple Future Tense 更早發生,持續至 Simple Future,有可能會超越 Simple Future
它的用法與 Present Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense相同,只是時態不同。
E.g.By the end of next year, I will have been living here for 5 years.

